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MTG Aether Sealed 2.21-01
2.23 2v2 Tournament-01
Dice Throne League Ad-01
Learn To Play D&D 1.25-01
Open Dice Throne Play-01
Dungeon Mastery Crash Course 1.25-01
Star Wars Unlimited ad-01
Adventure League-01
STA Wednesdays-01
Friday Open Magic-01
Learn to Play DT-01
SWU Prerelease 3.7-01
SWU Prerelease 3.11
WALL 01 - cream.png
Intro to Pyro & Shadow Thief.png


is the Mecca of the amazing DICE THRONE game. Not only do we have the largest selection of Heroes and ways to purchase them, but we also host play events and national ranked tournaments. Come in on Saturdays at 12:30pm to learn to play with our official Viceroys (judges) every week... then join us for head to head games every Tuesday and Saturday at 6:00pm.

Portland's newest Gaming Store and Cafe, find amazing games, game themed merchandise, specialty coffee, tea and other refreshments!
Now offering Vegan Sausages for our Breakfast Sandwiches & Link's Boards!! 

Combining gourmet coffee & tea with hobby gaming. Battle Grounds Gaming Cafe brings the best of both worlds together. Excellent customer service and a welcoming and inclusive environment are paramount to our mission of bringing Portland's diverse community to a seat at the gaming table!

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